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A Powerful and Amazing Year

Alex Terranova

I'm excited and yet I can't believe it's over...

It's odd, empowering and exciting knowing that the most powerful year and experience of my life is coming to an end. In January of 2015 I decided I had to change my life and that I couldn't continue living the way I had been. In short, I was empty, hollow, unfulfilled and unhappy, and if I continued on my path the default future was going to be predictable, it was going to be much of the same. I started this journey on my own and as I opened new doors life threw new opportunities at me. The most powerful being Accomplishment Coaching's year long Life and Leadership Ontological Training Program. In reality I had no idea what I had committed to or signed up for.

Walking into the Andaz Hotel a year ago, I judged 20 people. I learned most of them did the same. Over the past 12 months, we've worked together, through ups and downs, deaths, births, leaving jobs, getting engaged, health challenges and heavy emotional highs and lows. It's crazy to think that these 20 people have become my biggest supporters, my confidants, my mentors, my inspiration, my teachers and some of my closest friends. I love these people. My life is forever changed because of the way they have shown up over and over without fail and without question. Accomplishment Coaching taught me how to coach, taught me about leadership, about teamwork, about finding answers from within, about how to build a business and create a future from intent. We don't have to accept the default predictable future that waits for us. Accomplishment Coaching gave me a gift. It gave me these 20 people who come from all different walks of life, all different ages, races, religions, backgrounds, and occupations. They were seeking all different things. These people taught me how powerful I can be as a leader. They supported me to realize the impact I'm capable of making in this world. From them I learned what it looks like to give and receive support, and what it truly means to make loving yourself an inside job.

But the most powerful shift I've experienced is the new awareness that I get euphoric amounts of joy, happiness and satisfaction from being in service to others, from supporting others in facing challenges, in finding their way, in over coming their fears, in accomplishing their goals and in just finding more happiness. I create the perfect joyful and peaceful existence for myself through giving and supporting others. I am and will be forever grateful to Accomplishment Coaching and these 20 amazingly perfect people. It's been an unbelievable year. I can't wait to create what's next.

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