EP57 - “Luscious Living”
“If you want something you’ve got to be uncomfortable to get it.”
Sarah Olin
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Our guest today is Sarah Olin, “The Queen of Charlotte,” and one of the most sought after

coaches in the South East who is “crazy for coaching”. Sarah is the mother, founder, and creator of Luscious Mother, a coaching and leadership company that is dedicated to supporting working moms. Her passion and commitment is outrageous, as she is ALL-IN when it comes to supporting women in creating luscious lives!
One of my favorite things about Sarah is her swag, vibe, humor, and how she combines that with her commitment, integrity and love for helping humans create their best lives. Sarah is a person who doesn’t stop, she is relentless and knows sometimes you gotta be an animal to get what you want.
On this episode of The DreamMason Podcast we discuss:
-What it means to live a luscious life
-Unleashing the person you need to be to create the life you want
-Success is achieved by doing whatever it takes
-If you want it badly enough you can always figure out a way
-Overcoming circumstances and following your dreams
-The importance of kindness
-Complaining vs Asking for what you need
-Communication and Relationships
Thanks for listening. Please SHARE THIS EPISODE, TAG A FRIEND who needs to hear it, and SUBSCRIBE to The Dream Mason Podcast - so you don’t miss an episode! You can connect with
Sarah Olin here:
Instagram: @lusciousmother
You can connect with Alex Terranova here:
Website: www.TheDreamMason.com
Email: Alex@TheDreamMason.com
YouTube: TheDreamMason Podcast
Remember, You are a DreamMason®…
Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves.
Alex Terranova is a DreamMason and a Performance & Mindfulness Coach. He works with Leaders, Creators, and Innovators; those brave enough to build their dreams. If you’re a high performer looking for an edge, with a desire to expand your leadership, generate more money, more time and feel more fulfilled, working with Alex will support you in making that life a reality.