EP58 - “Happiness Unfiltered”
“When you feel better you do better.”
Robert Mack
You can find this epsiode on: Itunes | Spotify | GooglePlay | TuneIn | Stitcher | Podbean
Our guest today is Robert Mack. Rob has accomplished so many amazing things—it’s going to

be tough to list and share them all here! Rob is one of the Hosts and Producers of the first streaming morning show Good Morning La La Land, a Happiness Coach, Author, and appeared on E's Famously Single as a Love Coach. He has also been featured on the Today Show, Good Morning America, and magazines such as Self, Health and Glamour. He’s worked as an executive coach with companies like Microsoft, Fitbit, and Capital One. But the Mike Tyson-knockout-punch of Rob’s credibility comes from Oprah, who he’s endorsed by.
Rob is raw, open, and vulnerable as a guest, as he shares his struggles with depression and suicide. Rob has become an expert in cultivating and developing happiness habits, and on this episode he generously shares his great tools.
On this episode of The DreamMason Podcast we discuss:
-Rob’s story of seemingly “being born unhappy” leading to his eventual suicide attempt
-The progress paradox
-Positive Psychology
-Three ways to retrain and reprogram the mind
-Interpretation, and how it leads to much of our stress
-Trust, Intuition and Feelings
-Masculinity and performance based love
-Toxic masculinity
Thanks for listening. Please SHARE THIS EPISODE, TAG A FRIEND who needs to hear it, and SUBSCRIBE to The Dream Mason Podcast - so you don’t miss an episode! You can connect with
Rob Mack here:
Web: www.coachrobmack.com
Instagram: @robmackofficial
Twitter: @robmackofficial
You can connect with Alex Terranova here:
Website: www.TheDreamMason.com
Email: Alex@TheDreamMason.com
YouTube: TheDreamMason Podcast
Remember, You are a DreamMason®…
Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves.
Alex Terranova is a DreamMason and a Performance & Mindfulness Coach. He works with Leaders, Creators, and Innovators; those brave enough to build their dreams. If you’re a high performer looking for an edge, with a desire to expand your leadership, generate more money, more time and feel more fulfilled, working with Alex will support you in making that life a reality.
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